wasilla Early Head Start

Located behind the Wasilla Head Start Center, the Wasilla Early Head Start location services children from birth to 3 years in the Wasilla area. Services are provided year round. Parents must be eligible for child care assistance to qualify for the program.

To apply for enrollment, click here.


2060 E Foundry Way, Unit A
Wasilla, AK, 99654

Hours of Operation:

Classroom Hours: Mon - Fri, 7:30am - 5:30pm Office Hours: Mon-Fri, 7:00am - 6:00pm

Contact Information:

Phone: 907-373-7736 Fax: 907-373-7756

Center Coordinator: Tammy Berdeaux Family Partnership Coordinator: Samantha Glick-McCracken

Our Early Head Start Center moved into a beautiful new building in the spring of 2018 and is located next to the Head Start Wasilla Center.

Weekly Centering In Newsletter

Click the image to open the newsletter in .pdf.

Art activities using a variety of media figures prominently in both Early Head Start and Head Start curriculum.

"I really like the programs that CCS has to offer for the children and including the families. I love how CCS is so caring and giving to the children and families, for example CCS gave our family a very wonderful thanksgiving basket of food, including turkey and food for Christmas, I thought that was very nice and helpful because I couldn't afford too much if I was to purchase the food on my own, so that was very helpful! Also, we were extremely thankful for all the Christmas gifts we received from CCS. CCS made our family so very happy on Christmas because I couldn't afford much gifts for my kids, so that was a big blessing, this alone made me LOVE CCS so very much, it is a wonderful program!!! I just want to thank CCS for everything."

-CCS Parent