Thank you to all who sponsored this event, purchased tickets, donated to our silent auction & to prizes for our games, and who donated desserts. Thank you for showing the love to CCS Early Learning! We appreciate you!

2024 20th Annual “Show the Love - Platinum Edition!” Valentine FundraiseR

Calling all advocates of young children and families:

As Alaskans, as communities of the Mat-Su Valley, we have lived through challenging situations, from the recent pandemic, the rising cost of goods and services that are more difficult to access, earthquakes, wind storms, and epic snowfalls. Alaskans come together to help others, especially those who are most in need. We all hear this time and time again - because it’s true.

The young children and families we serve are some of our fellow community members who truly are most in need, even in the most “normal” of times. And with the help of caring people like you, CCS Early Learning has been serving children and families who have fallen on difficult times by providing a safe learning environment for young children and vital wrap-around support for their families. Together, we provide children and their families with a sense of normalcy and hope, and a skill set and knowledge of available resources that will help them be successful in school and life.

Please take a moment to show your support for CCS Early Learning and Head Start in Alaska (there are 16 agencies around the state!) by scanning this QR code and filling out the very short form that will be send to AK legislators and the governor.